Monroe Beniamino

I’ve always loved learning more about the girls behind GRT. Getting back to our rider highlights, this month we caught up with Monroe Beniamino and asked her a few questions to get to know her a little better.  Monroe is 9 years old, in third grade, and rides a Cobra 50cc and a Yamaha 65cc. Her favorite food is chicken nuggets, her best friend is a French Bulldog named Rooster, and her favorite drink is Prime.

What do you enjoy doing (outside of moto) ?

“Playing Football with my friends on and off the track.”

How has moto played a role in your life?

“Good, role in my life, it's teaching me to never give up when things get hard.”

If you could master one skill on a dirt bike what would it be?

“To jump a triple.”

What is your best dirt biking moment?

“Winning my two Loretta Lynn's Area Qualifying tickets to Fox raceway in California”

If you could spend the day with one famous rider, who would it be and why?

“Jett Lawrence, because we could eat donuts all day and goof off and have fun.”

Be on the lookout for Monroe at all the races, crushing it every weekend. She is featured on our story quite often and it’s a blast watching her progress on her moto journey!