Amy Kwak Amy Kwak

Jessica Frick

Jess is a Summit County Local who moved to Colorado from Michigan in 2013. She has been coming to Girl’s Ride Toosday’s for 2 years now having never ridden a track before that, now we can’t keep her off! Thanks for sharing your story Jess!

Jess is a Summit County Local who moved to Colorado from Michigan in 2013. She has been coming to Girl’s Ride Toosday’s for 2 years now having never ridden a track before that, now we can’t keep her off! Thanks for sharing your story Jess!

A little background on Jess…

What do you do for a living?

Thanks for doing a feature on my, this is so cool! Well... let's see. I am a utility designer for Xcel energy, which means I design the methods for electricity and gas to get to new homes, or rework existing homes that need upgrades or renewals. I absolutely love my job and just celebrated a year with Xcel today! In my free time,

What are some of the things that you enjoy doing?

I am always busy. In the summer I love to ride my bike and camp, my favorite kind of riding is trail riding all day and camping out at night! I could spend weeks doing this.

 I also play volleyball and softball competitively & I love long boarding, wake surfing and  backpacking with my dog in warmer months. I love love love to sled in the winter, and have been snowboarding since I was 10! This year was my first real year skiing which has been super fun! I also love to bake, paint, and play Magic: the gathering when I am hanging out inside. 🤓

How did you get into riding? What role has it played in your life?

As far as bikes are concerned, I actually never had one growing up. I always wanted one, but it wasn’t really in our budget. So, when I moved out here I bought one. Turned out to be a lemon… and i learned a lot about the mechanics of dirt bikes 🥴 But now I love tinkering and working on my own bike. I love the feeling of being outside and exploring new trails, pushing yourself to climb stuff or ride technical trails; when you get to the top and check out the view, or look back at what you just accomplished... there is  nothing like it. It can be painful at times, but you have to get back up and keep pushing yourself. That kind of rings through how I live my life in all aspects. Dirt biking has taught me that I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to, with practice and a little bit of guts.

I was super nervous to come to my first "Girls Ride Toosday" two years ago, but I am so glad I came. I had never ridden track and was still a beginner. But I showed up and had a blast. I met so many awesome and inspiring women and I came home and was shout-talking to my roommate for almost an hour about how much fun I had on the track, all the things I had learned, support I received, and the amazing people I met. 🤣 It's such an amazing community of people who support others being better at things they love and working hard to push themselves. I love each and every one of you, and want to say thanks for welcoming me into your crew with open arms. Also- Huge shoutout to the crew at the Leadville track too! I  am grateful to have such an incredible resource in my own backyard and to share it with all you beautiful people.

Sending you all positivity and love, and I can't wait to ride soon! 

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